
Fully hide the card header

etcho opened this issue · 6 comments

etcho commented

Is it possible to hide the entire attribute header? I mean not show the background image or any of the main attributes on the top. I was able to hide everything, but the block was still there, empty but still there.

For me the header informations are useless and would be nice to show only the body of the card, saving some space on my dashboard.

If already is possible and I missed this feature, could you point me the configuration entry for that?

posreg commented

Hello, looking for the same option.
Did you find any solution yet?

etcho commented

@posreg not yet.

Hello, the easiest way is to use the bar-card. Here's an example


type: custom:bar-card
  - entity: sensor.aurelien_basal_metabolism
    direction: right
    height: 30px
    width: 100%
      icon: outside
      indicator: outside
      name: inside
      minmax: 'off'
      value: inside
    max: 3000
    min: 0
      - color: orangered
        from: 0
        to: 1530
      - color: green
        from: 1530.01
        to: Infinity
    target: 1530
  - entity: sensor.aurelien_bmi
    name: BMI
    direction: right
    height: 30px
    width: 100%
      icon: outside
      indicator: outside
      name: inside
      minmax: 'off'
      value: inside
    max: 40
    min: 0
      - color: blue
        from: 0
        to: 18.5
      - color: green
        from: 18.51
        to: 25
      - color: orange
        from: 25
        to: 28
      - color: orangered
        from: 28.01
        to: 32
      - color: red
        from: 32.01
        to: Infinity
    target: 21.75

same request here too !:


Thanks in advance...

Hello, the easiest way is to use the bar-card. Here's an example


That's no longer maintained.

I assume this is not a supported configuration for this card as of now, are there any plans/willingness to add that to this card?

Bonjour, le plus simple est d'utiliser la carte-bar. Voici un exemple
Carte à barres

Ce n'est plus maintenu.

Je suppose que ce n'est pas une configuration prise en charge pour cette carte pour le moment, existe-t-il des projets/une volonté de l'ajouter à cette carte ?

I'm doing tests at the time of the request but I haven't managed to make a compact mode.