
Incorrect instructions to fix missing signatures

riedgar-ms opened this issue · 6 comments

I believe I've found a case where the DCO enforcement, when there is one unsigned commit, but it is not the last one.

To reproduce, I branch my repo, add a file and commit it unsigned:

git checkout -b dco-test
<Create bugdemo.txt>
git add bugdemo.txt
git commit -a -m "Unsigned commit"
git push --set-upstream origin dco-test

Then I made a change to the bugdemo.txt file and ran:

git commit -s -a -m "Signed commit"
git push

Going to the GitHub repo, I create a pull request, and the DCO bot promptly failed. The suggested commands to fix were:

git commit --amend --signoff
git push --force-with-lease origin dco-test

However, the DCO test continued to fail.

From a previous DCO failure report, I'd seen:

git rebase HEAD~2 --signoff
git push --force-with-lease origin dco-test

suggested. After running these, the DCO bot passed. However, I'd never have come up with the rebase if I hadn't seen it in an earlier error report.

I'm guessing this is because, although there was only one unsigned commit, it wasn't the last one - and git commit --amend only affects the tip of the current branch?

For reference:

> git --version
git version 2.20.1.windows.1

I'm afraid I don't have a Linux or Mac to hand for testing there

Good catch.

Would likely require some smarter checking here: https://github.com/probot/dco/blob/bce3d1bb684f0aa03c733e70327142ddb811f4c4/index.js#L61 to make sure the commit is the most recent. If not it can just handle all commits.

stale commented

Is this still relevant? If so, what is blocking it? Is there anything you can do to help move it forward?

Had the same issue in juice-shop/juice-shop#1352

stale commented

Is this still relevant? If so, what is blocking it? Is there anything you can do to help move it forward?

This is still relevant, just saw the same message and behavior.