
Better output format for commits?

appetrosyan opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently all output of DCO is text-wrapped at random locations which makes it extremely difficult to read. I propose adjusting the text output slightly:

Commit: sha - adfaf43 - Author: Aleksandr Petrosyan (Commiter: Aleksandr Petrosyan) <remove if the same>
Expected: `Signed-off-by: Aleksandr <a-p-petrosyan@yandex.ru>`
Actual: `Signed-off-by: Aleksandr Petrosyan <a-p-petrosyan@yandex.ru>`


I often have to amend commits on my team's behalf. Much easier to be able to copy-and-paste directly. Also more readable, because the second line always contains Expected: <Stuff> and the third line always Actual <wrong-stuff>.

If it were possible to specify this template optionally for projects that prefer the old format, it'd also be great.