dfSummary() fails with Inf in data
mgoldburd opened this issue · 2 comments
mgoldburd commented
Thanks for writing this excellent package!
dfSummary() throws an error if there is an Inf or -Inf in the data -- these should be removed in calculating the histogram, and perhaps include some message in the output alerting the user to the presence of the Inf's.
example <- tibble(x=c(rnorm(100),Inf))
Error in hist.default(data, breaks = breaks_x, plot = FALSE) :
some 'x' not counted; maybe 'breaks' do not span range of 'x'
dcomtois commented
Thanks for signalling this. Surprisingly (package has been there for several years now) it was never brought up before. I'll figure out something.
dcomtois commented
Fixed in upcoming version. For now no histograms are shown; I have other plans for a future release. Stay tuned!