
error when using dfSummary with shiny

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I am trying to use dfSummary in a shiny app, but get the following error with some datasets. It seems the error has something to do with unicode character encoding:

print(dfSummary(dthh),method="render", headings = FALSE, bootstrap.css = FALSE)

The error I get is:

  • Error in gsub("\\\n", "\n", cell) : input string 1 is invalid
    In addition: Warning message:
    In gsub("\\\n", "\n", cell) :
    unable to translate 'Ao de la encuesta' to a wide string

This is a known problem with encoding/rendering of unicode characters. Various people in other fora have suggested either using useBytes=TRUE with gsub to fix this, or changing the locale settings. But neither seems to have any effect.

Would appreciate any help.