Quiz: TDD and Functional Array Methods

  • Use standard lab submission procedure: fork, clone, work, push, PR!

Instructions: "Don't Ask Why"

Write a tested (jest unit tested) library function (a single function exported from a module/file) that takes an array of words (strings, you can assume valid input) and returns a new array that:

  • Has removed any words than contain the letter Y or y. (HINT: See includes)
  • Has modified the original word to be a phrase of the format: "Is it <word>?"

Test Case:

Input Output
['sky', 'hot', 'Yeti', 'green'] ['Is it hot?', 'Is it green?']

NOTE: You are not being asked to implement the array methods like we did on the second lab. You are using normal, built-in array methods and combining them to achieve a specific purpose!


Included files:

  • README.md (this file)
  • .travis.yml
  • .gitignore
  • .eslintrc
  • package.json

You will need to:

  • Install dependencies via npm i
  • npm scripts are already included, see package.json. You can use npm start to start testing in watch mode
  • Organize project (lib and test)

Quiz is open book, internet, etc...

Goal is have PR with passing travis by end of allotted time.


  1. Make an initial commit when you start your work (HINT: Open your PR!)
  2. You have 30 minutes to complete what you can. You may not finish everything or get things exactly right (and you don't need to do so to get a passing score). Do focus on quality of what you complete and demonstrating familiarity with the development setup and process we have been using.
  3. You must complete this work on your own within the allotted time
    • Keep a good commit history to show progression of work.
    • You need to manage your time to have PR and last commit before deadline (remember, you can open PR and take advantage of travis checking your commits by pushing frequently).
  4. You may use normal resources that a software developer uses on the job (docs, google, your prior work)
  5. Use general best practices and common sense:
    • Highly recommended to implement what is needed, no more no less
    • Blind boilerplate or copying-in chunks of code will not be helpful and will likely create more work. Seriously, this is the one of the best ways to fail the quiz as you risk wasting your time trying to getting copious amounts of code (that never worked on this project) to work.
    • Focus effort on requirements of the lab. Seriously, read the [Instructions] section more than once paying attention to detail.
  6. Total possible points are 40. You will be graded out of 30 points
  7. Demonstrate what you can accomplish by having passing travis ci and showing working code!