
i18n support

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Message#archive! does not work in other languages because "All Mail" is hardcoded in message.rb. "Spam" can potentially change too from one language to another.

For example, in Italian while "Spam" is still "Spam", the "All Mail" mailbox is called "Tutti i messaggi"

I believe gmail's IMAP has an API to get the localized name of a folder.

OK, here's an example (based on this). I'm trying to think of where's the best place to use this. What do you think of gmail.rb getting a mailbox_name member, to be used like mailbox_name( :All ) returns "[Gmail]/All Mail", used in message.rb?

require 'net/imap'

imap = Net::IMAP.new('imap.gmail.com',993,true,nil,false)
res = imap.login( 'user', 'password' )

if res && res.name == "OK"
    l = imap.list( "[Gmail]/", "%" )
    x = l.select { | m | m.attr.include?( :All ) }
    all_mail = x.first.name
    y = l.select { | m | m.attr.include?( :Junk ) }
    spam = y.first.name


    puts all_mail
    puts spam

I think you can use the i18n gem directly and not need to integrate it into this gem directly.