
Can't locate email using "subject"

seaman1 opened this issue · 3 comments

gmail.inbox.emails(:subject => 'Email verification request')
returns all inbox emails
PS: not all of my inbox emails have subject 'Email verification request'.

Actually for me, it was a silly mistake. I was using the latest gem '0.3.1', instead of master.

I fixed it by added gem 'ruby-gmail', git: 'git@github.com:dcparker/ruby-gmail.git', :ref => 'f8c2651f19' to the Gemfile.

@seaman1 I wonder if you by chance made the same mistake.

solved by setting a filter in gmail for specific subjects and move them into a new label (mailbox)
then set it as following:


this will return the mails that arent read and has a specific subject that we already filtered using gmail.