churchfather classictext related to article throws undefined control sequence error
jjmccollum opened this issue · 6 comments
In my bibliography, I have some works by church fathers that are reproduced not in series, but in books and articles. I'd like to employ the citation-alternate citation mechanism—e.g., \cite[(5.18)628--629]{TertullianAdvMarc}
for Tertullian, Marc. 5.18 (Evans, Adversus Marcionem, 628-29—for these works as well, and in general, I can use the related
and relatedoptions
fields to manage this correctly. But for an edition of a patristic work that was published in an article, cross-referencing the article in the related
field of the patristic work causes an unexpected error.
A minimal working example (with the problematic lines of the bibliography entry commented out) is reproduced below:
editor = {Evans, Ernest},
translator = {Evans, Ernest},
title = {Tertullian, Adversus Marcionem},
shorttitle = {Adversus Marcionem},
volumes = {2},
location = {Oxford},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
date = {1972}
author = {Gregg, J. A. F.},
title = {The Commentary of Origen upon the Epistle to the Ephesians},
shorttitle = {Commentary of Origen},
journaltitle = {Journal of Theological Studies},
shortjournal = {{JTS}},
pages = {1/3.10 \mkbibparens{1902}: 233--244\addsemicolon\space 1/3.11 \mkbibparens{1902}: 398--420\addsemicolon\space 1/3.12 \mkbibparens{1902}: 554--576},
entrysubtype = {churchfather},
author = {{Tertullian}},
title = {Adversus Marcionem},
shorttitle = {Marc\adddot},
related = {Evans1972},
relatedoptions = {usefullcite=false,useshorttitle=true}
entrysubtype = {churchfather},
author = {{Origen}},
title = {Commentary on Ephesians},
shorttitle = {Comm. Eph\adddot},
% If the following lines are uncommented, then XeLaTeX throws the following error: ! Undefined control sequence. <argument> \ifciteseen
%related = {Gregg1902},
%relatedoptions = {usefullcite=false,useshorttitle=true}
\usepackage[style=sbl, backend=biber]{biblatex}
\addbibresource{bibliography.bib} % Add the bibliography file to be processed by biblatex
Tertullian's commentary on Ephesians is taken from Evans's edition and translation \autocite{Evans1972}.
Origen's commentary on Ephesians is taken from Gregg's edition \autocite{Gregg1902}.
Citation of Tertullian \autocite[(5.18)628--629]{TertullianAdvMarc}.
Citation of Origen \autocite[(§36)3:575]{OrigenCommEph}.
If I uncomment the last two lines of the last bib entry, then XeLaTeX throws the following error:
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \ifciteseen
{\usebibmacro {ifidemused} {} {\printnames [labelname...
l.56 ...igen \autocite[(§36)3:575]{OrigenCommEph}.
I am using the version of XeLaTeX and biblatex-sbl from the TeXLive 2021 distribution.
It seems that something strange is going on with the idem checking. Note that the first patristic source (related to a book) has its citation typeset correctly.
Is this a bug, or am I misusing the related
mechanism for patristic works?
@jjmccollum I'll take a look. Can you also add the output you want to help me test
@dcpurton Sure! Do you mean the expected typeset citation, the log file, or something else?
Expected typeset output (including what should appear in bibliography)
Thanks! I would expect the following for the citations of the patristic sources:
Tertullian, Marc. 5.18 (Evans, Adversus Marcionem, 628-29.
Origen, Comm. Eph. §36 (Gregg, "Commentary of Origen" 3:575)
(The last citation above may or may not have a comma between the shorttitle and the part:page number citation; I know that SBL style drops the comma for volume:page citations for books, so I imagine that would be the correct approach here.)
For the bibliography, neither patristic work should appear. Only the works containing their editions should be included in the bibliography:
Evans, Ernest, ed. and trans. Tertullian, Adversus Marcionem. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1972.
Gregg, J. A. F. "The Commentary of Origen upon the Epistle to the Ephesians." JTS 1/3.10 (1902): 233–44; 1/3.11 (1902): 398–420; 1/3.12 (1902): 554–76.
You found a typo!
Three times in sbl.cbx
I have used \@firtoftwo
instead of \@firstoftwo
I'll do a new release to CTAN,
But until then and to confirm that this is indeed the problem, try adding
to your preamble.
It looks like that fixed the problem! Thanks so much!