
listen for hit event in addition to kill event to check HP for soft kills

DanAlbert opened this issue · 3 comments

https://wiki.hoggitworld.com/view/DCS_func_getLife and https://wiki.hoggitworld.com/view/DCS_func_getLife0 can be used to determine how damaged a unit is. We could listen for https://wiki.hoggitworld.com/view/DCS_event_kill and check the health, and register the kill after some predefined amount (settings controllable, probably) rather than requiring a total kill. It'd make rockets and most CBUs less useless.

Within a single mission a soft kill is often enough to render the unit inoperable anyway, there's just no way for us to carry the damage over between turns. This would sort of approximate that.

Hopefully there's other options, but the two possible options I could suggest to simulate a soft kill is to force ROE green, or set the unit as static / unmanned.

DCS AI won't know that those targets don't need to be dealt with again. Better to just kill them.

Yeah. Would be very nice if parked aircraft would blow up after getting strafed, instead of just smoking till they despawn. Would mean no longer having to use 2000lb bombs on a plane to ensure a kill. 20 mike mike, rockets, etc would become useful.