Added target waypoints on F-15E S4+ do not have #T and freeze smart weapons page, preventing coordinate upload to JDAM
Starfire13 opened this issue · 0 comments
Starfire13 commented
Affected versions
10.0.0, Development build
Build information
DCS Liberation 11.0.0
Build 5755
Git revision 5af4e56
The F-15E S4+'s smart weapons page will freeze if you attempt to upload GPS coordinates to JDAMs from non-target waypoints. While this is very likely a DCS bug (I imagine the real aircraft would simply reject the waypoint rather than freezing up the whole system), it can be easily circumvented by adding a #T in front of any target waypoints added via the Edit Flight window, in the same manner as the primary target waypoints. I have tested adding the #T to the added target waypoints via the ME, and you can then upload coordinates with no issues.