
[FEATURE REQUEST] scrape multiple pages of rankings

Opened this issue · 4 comments

pm-12 commented

Is it possible to fetch rankings from more than 1 page?

dcts commented

Unfortunately not, that functionality was depricated as it was not stable.

dcts commented

If you want you can try using the old version, just install the package with version 5.0.4:

npm install opensea-scraper@5.0.4

Then you can use this script to fetch for example 3 pages:

const OpenseaScraper = require("opensea-scraper");

const options = {
  debug: false,
  logs: false,
  sort: true,
  browserInstance: undefined,

const nbrOfPages = 3;
(async () => {
  const ranking = await OpenseaScraper.rankings(nbrOfPages, options);
  console.log("Done 🥳");

Hope that helps..! @pm-12 Let me know if that works for you. If its usefull I might bring it back in a next version.

pm-12 commented

Thanks will try it out, is there a way to reach you on telegram maybe?

dcts commented

reopening and adding to roadmap as this seems to be a common usecase.