
[BUG] Cannot get any result for floor price

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I cannot get any result for floor price from a NFT on opensea. I used the same code as before (it worked), but now it does not work. I would wonder - is it caused by opensea website upgrade? Thanks.

dcts commented

Can you provide a code snipped and the result you get so I can check what the problem is? Thanks!

const OpenseaScraper = require("opensea-scraper");


async function run(){
    const options = {
        debug: false,
        logs: false,
        sort: true,
        browserInstance: undefined,

    let nft = 'otherdeed'

    let url = `https://opensea.io/collection/${nft}?search[sortAscending]=true
    let resultSize = 5; // if you need less than 32 offers, please use the function offers() instead
    let result =  await OpenseaScraper.offersByScrollingByUrl(url, resultSize, options);
    console.dir(result, {depth: null}); // result object contains keys stats and offers

The screenshot of my result is shown below:


dcts commented

This is a good catch, as of current state the offersByScrollingByUrl function seems to be broken. In fact, all function that include byScrolling are currently still broken (see open issue #36).

But in the snippet you provided I see no need to use offersByScrolling, you could simply use the offers function:

const OpenseaScraper = require("opensea-scraper");


async function run(){
    const options = {
        debug: false,
        logs: false,
        sort: true,
        browserInstance: undefined,

    let nft = 'otherdeed';
    let result =  await OpenseaScraper.offers(nft, options);
    console.dir(result, {depth: null});

Thanks for your suggestion. It works!
I would confirm one thing - if I use offers function, is there a way to control the number of outputs (for example, I'd only get 5 outputs from this function)?


dcts commented

offers() and offersByUrl() by default return 32 results (but is currently broken, see #61). The only time it will return less than 32 results is when there are less than 32 items currently on sale (this might happen if you input an url that has a lot of filtering of traits, e.g. OpenseaScraper.offersByUrl("https://opensea.io/collection/boredapeyachtclub?search[sortAscending]=true&search[sortBy]=PRICE&search[stringTraits][0][name]=Clothes&search[stringTraits][0][values][0]=Black%20T&search[stringTraits][1][name]=Eyes&search[stringTraits][1][values][0]=Bored&search[toggles][0]=BUY_NOW"))

I am also not sure if I understand your question correctly. Can you specify:

  • with "output" do you mean the number of results?
  • were you curious why it was only 5 offers OR did you recieve a lot of offers but actually wanted to just return the top 5 offers?
dcts commented

thanks @kaiqiangh for the fix! 🎉