
[BUG] Cannot get price

0xMarsRover opened this issue · 10 comments


I used two scripts below for getting prices of nfts, but all failed. I remembered that I can get prices by using function "offers" or "offersByUrl" before, but they do not work now.
Script 1:
let result_testnet = await OpenseaScraper.offersByUrl("https://testnets.opensea.io/collection/doodles-officias", options); console.dir(result_testnet, {depth: null}); // result object contains keys stats and offers

Script 2:
let result = await OpenseaScraper.offers(nft, options); console.dir(result, {depth: null}); // result object contains keys stats and offers

Any suggestions for that? Thanks.

dcts commented

thanks a lot, its a bug, working on it.

Thanks for your response. I think opensea website Could have updates somewhere.

dcts commented

So opensea changed some variable names in their __wired__ variable (we get the prices from that variable).

I noticed that quantityInEth is not longer availible. Instead only quantity seems to exist.

// doesnt work anymore
    .filter(o => o.__typename === "AssetQuantityType")
    .filter(o => o.quantityInEth) // ❌ this breaks

// seems to work 
    .filter(o => o.__typename === "AssetQuantityType")
    .filter(o => o.quantity) // returns something but with wrong mapping

Unfortunately simply chaning this does NOT fix the issue, because the mapping is off. This needs more investigation. Leaving my findings here for now.

So opensea changed some variable names in their __wired__ variable (we get the prices from that variable).

I noticed that quantityInEth is not longer availible. Instead only quantity seems to exist.

// doesnt work anymore
    .filter(o => o.__typename === "AssetQuantityType")
    .filter(o => o.quantityInEth) // ❌ this breaks

// seems to work 
    .filter(o => o.__typename === "AssetQuantityType")
    .filter(o => o.quantity) // returns something but with wrong mapping

Unfortunately simply chaning this does NOT fix the issue, because the mapping is off. This needs more investigation. Leaving my findings here for now.

Is there any updates on this issue? Thanks

dcts commented

I currently don't have time to fix this. I have it on my todo list, but I cannot promise nor predict any timeline.

Thnaks for your reply.

I currently don't have time to fix this. I have it on my todo list, but I cannot promise nor predict any timeline.

I did some investigations on Opensea website abnd made some changes on source code. Now it seems work.

const floorPrices = Object.values(__wired__.records)
  .filter(o => o.__typename === "PriceType" && o.eth && o.unit && o.usd)
  .filter(o => o.eth)
  .map(o => {
    return {
      amount: o.eth,
      currency: 'ETH',

I did some investigations on Opensea website abnd made some changes on source code. Now it seems work.

const floorPrices = Object.values(__wired__.records) .filter(o => o.__typename === "PriceType" && o.eth && o.unit && o.usd) .filter(o => o.eth) .map(o => { return { amount: o.eth, currency: 'ETH', } }); image

this works!! thank you!

dcts commented

thanks @kaiqiangh for the fix! I adapted it in the new version 6.5.2. To adapt please use version 6.5.2:

npm install opensea-scraper@6.5.2

or alternatively if you have it already installed upgrade to latest version

npm upgrade

Thank you! ♥️

thanks @kaiqiangh for the fix! I adapted it in the new version 6.5.2. To adapt please use version 6.5.2:

npm install opensea-scraper@6.5.2

or alternatively if you have it already installed upgrade to latest version

npm upgrade

Thank you! ♥️

All good! Thanks!