
Marble game in Nim

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT


It's a marble game modeled after a classic from the arcade era. Works with touchpad and trackball, untested but possibly impractical with a mouse.




It uses nimgl and requires cimgui to be installed or present in current directory.

  • Build:

    nimble build
  • Run



It's largely keyboard-driven. Use L to toggle between controlling the marble and normal mouse mode.

Key Action
Up pan_up
Down pan_down
Left pan_left
Right pan_right
PageUp pan_in
PageDown pan_out
Home pan_ccw
End pan_cw
[ prev_level
] next_level
L toggle_mouse_lock
P pause
S step_frame
F follow
W toggle_wireframe
G toggle_god
X respawn
R do_reset_player
E focus_editor
Q do_quit

Editor keymap:

Key Action
Escape back
Tab toggle_cursor
Up cursor N
Down cursor S
Left cursor W
Right cursor E
PageUp cursor NW
PageDown cursor SE
Home cursor SW
End cursor NE
- dec
=/+ inc
0 .. 9 set_number
. decimal point
B toggle_brush
BS/Delete delete
X set_mask XX
C set_mask IC
U set_mask CU
L set_mask LL
V set_mask VV
A set_mask AA
J set_mask JJ
I set_mask II
H set_mask HH
R set_mask RH
G set_mask GG
S set_mask SW
P set_mask P1
M set_mask EM
Y set_mask EY
T set_mask TU
N set_mask IN
O set_mask OU
W save
E leave

Level structure

A level is comprised of layers comprising the height map which is just a grid of floating point numbers, and a mask which defines the attributes of each point such as entity start points, surface type, or whether there is a cliff.

Levels are stored as TSV files making spreadsheet interoperability relatively straightforward. Generally each level will have two TSV files which are arranged with each row's starting column increasing every row, which enables what I call the "vertical is diagonal" perspective of the playing field.


Mask Description
XX none / regular slope
LL L is left
JJ J is right
AA A is up
VV V is down
HH H is left and right
II I is top and bottom
LA AJ LV VJ corners combine two orthogonals
AH VH IL IJ all but one active edge
IH oops! all cliffs
RI RH ramps up/down, left/right
GG goal
TU IN OU tubes
IC icy
CU copper
SW sine wave
P1 player 1 start position
P2 player 2 start position
EM entity: marble
EY entity: yum
EA entity: acid
EV entity: vacuum
EP entity: piston
EH entity: hammer