
Update Streamlink to 2.1.2

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Streamlink 2.1.2 was just released with many fixes, including some major YouTube fixes - it is broken in this version of obs-streamlink.

I don't have much experience with the Python / C API, but it's probably just importing the right version?

module = PyImport_ImportModule("streamlink");

As a note, even with the updated streamlink 2.1.2 in my PATH, it won't work. I guess it pulls from some python area somewhere

Easier than that, you just need to upgrade the streamlink via pip in the installation folder.
If you know the commandline, then just run this from the OBS folder:

data\obs-plugins\obs-streamlink\Python38\python data\obs-plugins\obs-streamlink\Python38\Scripts\pip.exe install --upgrade streamlink

Alternatively, unzip the attached bat file to your OBS folder and double click it.

Easier than that, you just need to upgrade the streamlink via pip in the installation folder.
If you know the commandline, then just run this from the OBS folder:

data\obs-plugins\obs-streamlink\Python38\python data\obs-plugins\obs-streamlink\Python38\Scripts\pip.exe install --upgrade streamlink

Alternatively, unzip the attached bat file to your OBS folder and double click it.

I didnt get how you can update it, i just run de bat file in my obs folder and i get nothing :c
could you please help me? :c

See #17. Check the latest update.