
Unable to execute ShowPlayers command

thoraine opened this issue · 4 comments

I am able to connect successfully to the server with my configured settings, but when the program attempts to call ShowPlayers to get the list of players, it is forcefully disconnected from the server.


A Discord user commented that it might be special characters in the player's name that's causing RCON to break.

Yeaaaaa, there's a few others experiencing this

irosdp commented

I'm encountering this issue as well. My server and my friends, who are from Taiwan, have Chinese names. Could it be that RCON does not support UTF-8, or is there something else missing?

As talked about in #1 a bit, the server appears to get angry with some non ASCII characters, Japanese characters appear to work but other are hit and miss. As per Valve's spec for the rcon protocol it's not supposed to handle anything other then ASCII, but Palworld's implementation is a strange and has mixed behaviors with it.