
CentOS 6 RPM for OpenGrADS

Primary LanguageShell

$ ./build.sh

The output will be in `RPMS/x86_64/opengrads-[...].rpm' or

Daniel da Silva   <danieldasilva2@acm.org>
OpenGrADS Project <http://opengrads.org>

Can be used to build a i686 or x86_64 package. Modify the
%{arch} and %{tarball} variables in SPECS/opengrads.spec.

The contents of the SOURCES folder are modified versions of the 
tarballs released by the OpenGrADS project. They are modified in
the following ways:

 1. renamed from grads-[...].tar.gz to opengrads-[...].tar.gz
 2. the single folder inside renamed from grads-[...] to

#2 was made so the extracted directory would match the build
directory rpmbuild expects. #1 was made to differentiate the
tarball from the original release.