This repo is created for Robomasters 2018. Software Team of MECATron, Nanyang Technological University.
As we are going to implement computer vision and deep learning techniques in system, we firstly conduct several tutorials.
The marked items are finished topics and unmarked ones are still in progress or in plan.
Tensorflow and sul
Regression (Linear and Logistic)
MLP (Multi-layer perception)
Convolutional Network
Classification with CNN
Object detection with CNN
Object Detection with FCN (Fully Convolutional Network)
Optimization on networks
Value and policy
Q learning and Deep Q learning
Tricks on game state search
Data properties and concepts on feature domain.
Data collection and augmentation.
Pre and post process of collected data.
- ROS tutorial
autoboot_test: Auto boot script
model_zoo: Models of different training set. Old files just for archive
New_protocol: Deploy codes for different kinds of robots.
record_video: Recording script.
training_code: Code for training.
icra_robot_system: Codes for ICRA 2018.
You must know what this means.
Label tool, with instructions.
Script to extract frames from video.