Command line?
TheDiamondYT1 opened this issue · 8 comments
TheDiamondYT1 commented
It only launcher a command Elaine..
TheDiamondYT1 commented
Sorry, line*
ddevault commented
What are you talking about?
TheDiamondYT1 commented
I build with Visual Studio, and it launches TrueCraft.exe. This is a command line but the game does not start only a server.
ddevault commented
is the server. If you want to play TrueCraft, run TrueCraft.Launcher.
TheDiamondYT1 commented
Sorry, but what file to I run from? When I build it does not create a exe file with the launcher
ddevault commented
TheDiamondYT1 commented
Found it
TheDiamondYT1 commented
Nice client! I will stop spamming this issue now.