
Pushing only works first time round

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a fairly simple setup with grunt-push-svn. I'm finding that if I run it once, everything works as it should but running it again returns an error like below:

Warning: There is already a repo in folder "./build" with url *** Use --force to continue.

Below is my grunt config:

module.exports = {
  options: {
    remove: false,
    username: '***'
    password: '***'
  main: {
    src: 'dist/example/',
    dest: '***/example/',
    tmp: './build'

Am I missing something or is this a bug?

ddliu commented

Do you have more than one repo that using ./build as tmp directory?

We manage two sub-directories within one repo (each directory has its own branch). So using the config above, the repo I'm dealing with is handling the '/example/'directory.

To answer your question though, no we don't.