
Problems installing flex-backup

Opened this issue · 1 comments


When I try to install flex-backup with

$ gem build flex-backup.gemspec
$ gem install flex-backup-1.0.0.gem

it fails with

ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::DependencyError)
    Unable to resolve dependencies: flex-backup requires flex (= 1.0.0)

flex (0.4.2) and rest-client gems are both installed.

I'm not really a Ruby guy, so maybe I'm doing something wrong? Anyway, it would be nice to have some installation guide in README.


you should build the flex 1.0.0 branch and install in order to use flex-backup. Sorry, I didn't find the time to publish the 1.0, because it misses the doc. As soon I will have a little time I will write the doc for the new flex-model, flex-scopes, and flex-rails gems.