
Logic for reading/writing .env files needs updating

aseemk opened this issue · 3 comments

Hey there,

Thanks for this helpful tool! Just ran into an issue where Foreman's behavior for parsing .env files has changed, but this plugin's behavior has not -- specifically support for quotes:


Given that the Heroku toolbelt installs Foreman alongside the CLI, maybe it'd be best to require Foreman for reading the .env file instead of duplicating the code here? But not sure if that's possible or easy.

Thanks for the consideration!

EDIT: Writing needs updating too: https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-config/blob/master/lib/config/heroku/command/config.rb#L58-L64

Realized that writing needs updating too; edited issue.

Just ran into another issue for the same reason: this config's regex for reading keys is [A-Za-z_]+ -- this precludes numerals from being part of the key. (E.g. NEO4J_URL)

Perhaps this could be changed to vendor dotenv or something. I'm not using it much any more so not likely to write this myself. As in #8 I would gladly accept a pull request to bring this in line with Foreman, Heroku, and bash.