
lovcal .env file not writing to heroku .env file

Opened this issue · 4 comments


When I preform heroku config:push --app APP_NAME

I get the following:

Config in .env written to APP_NAME

However, when I am checking the web app .env file with heroku config --app APP_NAME it is not getting updated.

Could you provide me any advice?


I ran into this same issue. I was able to set/unset vars, but unable to push an entire .env file. Anyone have a suggestion how to fix/debug?

I see no output after performing this update in heroku logs.

Running this version of heroku:

heroku-toolbelt/3.2.1 (x86_64-darwin12.2.1) ruby/2.0.0

My solution was to add the --overwrite flag. @ddollar is this required when pushing config vars that already exist in your app?

Yes, you need to add --overwrite flag. The docs should point it explicitly, that this flag works for both pull and push actions in the same manner.

Yes you need --overwrite for this. I'd be happy to accept any pull requests for the docs.