
angular 14 problem with search

Closed this issue · 4 comments

when I am going to search some place with SearchControl or using geocode, it returns the error 403. And when I look at the payload there isn't apiKey value in it. So how can I fix this?

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Hi! Could you provide a reproduction, please? It seems that you provide a configuration not in an app.module.
It works here - https://stackblitz.com/edit/direct-geocoding-flhvue?file=src/app/app.module.ts

yes you are right i set configuration in submodule AppModule -> SaleModule -> PosModuel here inside pos module provide configurations. Sales and pos modules are lazy loaded module

well, that's worked. I added it to the shared module and it works. Thanks a lot

Great. You should provide a configuration in an AppModule, and then just import AngularYandexMapsModule in lazy modules.