
Change build to have standard names + introduce CI

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Currently we have sarif210-1.0.jar as an output.
This is not very readable - and could mislead. For example what if there would be a sarif 2.10 version (it does not exist, but it is only an example) - we could not determine a difference by the name.


Change build

Package names shall contain the version with underscores, the artifacts shall use normal dots.

As an example for a release with 1.0 (our version) and sarif 2.1.0 we want:

  • package shall be de.jcup.sarif_2_1_0
  • name of archive shall be sarif-2.1.0-1.0

Introduce CI

Introduce a github actions worflow which does always build sarif 2.1.0 (with internal version 0.0)

Inside this issue the POM and maven publish parts for #3 will be done as well. We will switch to Gradle 8.0.2 to make things easier