
Export to csv

opensourcestough opened this issue · 10 comments

Would you please add the ability to export to csv.

Sure, let me look into it and I'll get back to you with something.

The version in the csv branch provides a new command export which will print the entire tree in csv (comma separated, with quoted fields) with the following content


Can you give it a try and let me know if that matches your expectations?

Thank you for the quick answer. It is close, would you be able to add md5 of the directory and the date? I am looking for the like the output of this export, just with added md5s.

I updated the format which now looks like this:


The fields are described in the README in the csv branch.

  • indexed_at: when this entry was indexed
  • maccess: the file modification date/time

I'm however not sure what you mean by md5 of the directory? Currently catcli doesn't calculate md5 sum of directories, only files.

That is great, would it be able to add them as switches to the other items (e.g.  ls and find).   Yes, only if it is easily done. I do get an error when I output to the filename directly without redirecting stdout.

I have added --format to ls and find which, when set to --format=csv, will output the results in CSV.
Note that the export command is equivalent to tree when using --format=native (which is the default now).

This hasn't been extensively tested though. I hope it matches what you need.

Well I actually cleaned a bit and removed the export command but added --format to the tree command.

Now you can print results in csv for the following commands: ls, find, tree.

The csv header is never added but can be found in the README as well as when running the print_supported_formats command:

$ catcli print_supported_formats
"native": native format
"csv"   : CSV format

I feel you need the header switch. Ideally the export command remains , and you just add a switches for csv and header to the rest

tree now supports a switch -H --header to print the CSV header.

These changes will be merged in next version. Thanks for your inputs!

A new version of catcli v0.8.0 has been released and contains all the updates to handle CSV outputs.