How do I change the highlight to something more visible than underline?
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Thanks for this great plugin - I'm using eslint v5.4.0 and npp-linter version dated 5th August 2018.
It puts a small, very thin red square around any errors, which is hard for someone who is colourblind.
I've had a really good look through all the NPP++ style configurator options and I can't change how to find this! I'd much rather set this to a bright yellow background, or blue and white text. Something that jumps out. Right now, it's a case of slowly scrolling and keeping a careful look-out.
Many thanks in advance.
There is no way to customize font color so you can change only background (hex rgb value) and alpha in range of 0-255.
Something like this:
<style color="0000FF" alpha="100" />
The updated version you can get from SF:
Hey, that's great - super quick response, very impressed!
Just one thing though, the RGB seems to be BGR:
0000FF =red
00FF00 = green
FF0000 = blue
So yellow is now 00FFFF rather than FFFF00. This works well for me to highlight:
<style color="00FFFF" alpha="200" />
Just one thing I noticed, with previous versions as well: sometimes, the error highlighted is just a small underline, rather than a complete box. Closing and reloading notepad usually fixes this.
Thanks! There are fix for scintilla's color reverse order, fix for check color attribute and fix for losing highlight styles.
Please update.
Hey, that's great - I can confirm it works! I have one more suggestion to make, will add separately!