
HTML syntactic sugar with Javascript (convert HTML tags into other tags with more attributes)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Syntax Sugar for HTML (synSugar)

This is a project that provides some syntactic sugar to write HTML documents. At the end, synSugar converts some HTML tags into other HTML tags, with added or modified attributes.

The underlying idea is that we repeat a lot of code when creating HTML web pages, and it would be nice to simplify such code. Consider the next fragment of HTML code of a web page that uses bootstrap:

<button class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fas fa-home">Home</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fas fa-arrow-up"></button>
<button class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fas fa-arrow-down"></button>
<button class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fas fa-arrow-left"></button>
<button class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fas fa-arrow-right"></button>

Using synSugar it is possible to simplify such code to the next code:

<button data-icon="fa-home">Home</button>
<button data-icon="fa-arrow-up"></button>
<button data-icon="fa-arrow-down"></button>
<button data-icon="fa-arrow-left"></button>
<button data-icon="fa-arrow-right"></button>

Then you simply have to add the translation for the tags (the data-icon is an addon for synSugar):

synSugar.conversions = {
    "button": "button.btn.btn-primary"

The cool thing for this kind of translations is that, if you wanted to change the whole design (e.g. changing btn-primary to btn-outline-primary), it is very straightforward to change the conversion in synSugar, instead of changing every single appearence of btn-primary.


There is a single javascript file that contains the library.

# git clone https://github.com/dealfonso/synsugar
<script src="synsugar.js"></script>

From a CDN

It is possible to use synsugar directly from a CDN:

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/jsutilslib/synsugar@1.0.0/synsugar.min.js"></script>


synSugar can be used for translating existing elements in the HTML DOM into other elements, either modifying the type of element or not (e.g. a list item can be translated into a list item with an inner link). Moreover, using synSugar it is posible to add classes and/or update the attributes of the translated elements. Even synSugar can be used for only updating these attributes (e.g. adding classes to a type of elements).

Let's explain synSugar by examples.

Having an element like the next one:

<a href="https://www.google.com">Get to google</a>

It is possible to convert it to a button by simply defining the next rule:

'a': "button(onclick='javascript:window.location=\"${href}\"')"

Then, the resulting HTML fragment will be the next one (the a link is now a button element):

<button onclick="window.open('https://www.google.es')" href="https://www.google.es">Get to google</button>

More examples

Custom lists

If we wanted a list in which we had several options (e.g. double, normal or small), with links to apply the size, the html code may be like the next one:

<ul class="list list-group class1 class2">
    <li class="list-group-item"><a class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm" onclick="apply(2)" data-icon="fa-chevron-up me-1"><i class="fas fa-chevron-up me-1"></i>large</a></li>
    <li class="list-group-item"><a class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm" onclick="apply(1)" data-icon="fa-minus"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i>normal</a></li>
    <li class="list-group-item"><a class="btn btn-outline-primary btn-sm" onclick="apply(0.5)" data-icon="fa-chevron-down"><i class="fas fa-chevron-down"></i>small</a></li>

It is a bit ugly because of the repetition of parts of the code. Using synSugar, the code may be like the next one:

<list class="class1 class2">
    <li value="2" data-icon="fa-chevron-up">large</li>
    <li value="1" data-icon="fa-minus">normal</li>
    <li value="0.5" data-icon="fa-chevron-down">small</li>

synSugar.conversions = {
    'list li': 'li.list-group-item>a.btn.btn-outline-primary.btn-sm(href=null,onclick="apply(${value})",value=null)',
    'list': 'ul.list.list-group'

synSugar will obtain the same code than the HTML in the fragment before, using a more clean code. Moreover, if we wanted to change from links (i.e. a) to buttons (i.e. button), the change will be very easy. The same applies to use Bootstraps's a.list-group-item-action instead of li and an inner a.

As shown in the example, synSugar works either with existing HTML tags (e.g li) as with custom tags (e.g. list).

The working example can be seen at codepen

Custom toolbar

I have defined a set of custom HTML tags to create toolbars. My toolbar is the next:

        <button data-icon="fa-arrow-up"></button>
        <button data-icon="fa-arrow-down"></button>
        <button data-icon="fa-search-plus"></button>
        <menu id="menu1">
        <button data-icon="fa-search-minus"></button>
            <menu-title data-icon-right="fa-angle-double-right">
                <option>Fit Page</option>
                <option>Fit Width</option>

Using that fragment of custom code, and the next translations, I am able to get a full featured toolbar that is very easy to extend, update or modify (due to the very clear code):

    icon_as_class: true,
    icon_class: "fas",
synSugar.conversions = {
    "toolbar button-group:first-child button:first-child": 'button.ms-1',
    "toolbar button-group button": 'button.btn.btn-primary.me-1',
    "toolbar button-group": '.button-group',
    "toolbar menu": '.dropdown(aria-label="id-${id}")',
    "toolbar menu-title[data-icon],toolbar menu-title[data-icon-left],toolbar menu-title[data-icon-right]": 'button.btn.btn-sm(type="button", data-bs-toggle="dropdown", aria-expanded="false")',
    "toolbar menu-title": 'button.btn.btn-sm.dropdown-toggle(type="button", data-bs-toggle="dropdown", aria-expanded="false")',
    "toolbar menu-content option": 'li.dropdown-item>a.dropdown-item',
    "toolbar menu-content divider": "li>hr.dropdown-divider",
    "toolbar menu-content": 'ul.dropdown-menu',
    "toolbar divider": '.divider',
    "toolbar": '.toolbar',

The working example can be seen at codepen