
Better multipart form support for Actix Web

Primary LanguageRust

actix-multipart-extract Latest Version

This crate is a Rust library for providing proper multipart support to actix 4.

This is able to parse a multipart request into a struct and validate the request properties. It uses serde for deserialization and a MultipartForm derive.


Add actix_multipart_extract to your Cargo.toml:

actix-multipart-extract = "0.5"


use actix_multipart_extract::{File, Multipart, MultipartForm};
use actix_web::{post, App, HttpResponse, HttpServer, Responder};
use serde::Deserialize;

// File, String, bool, and number types are the only supported types for forms.
// Vec and Option may also be used with one of the 4 types as the type param.
// Some serde attributes will work with forms.
#[derive(Deserialize, MultipartForm, Debug)]
pub struct ExampleForm {
    #[multipart(max_size = 5MB)]
    file_field: File,
    string_field: Vec<String>, // list field
    bool_field: Option<bool>,  // optional field

async fn example(example_form: Multipart<ExampleForm>) -> impl Responder {
    // File field
    println!("File size: {}", example_form.file_field.bytes.len());
        "File content type: {}",
    println!("File name: {}", example_form.file_field.name);

    // List of strings field
    println!("List of strings: {:?}", example_form.string_field);

    // Optional bool field
    match example_form.bool_field {
        Some(v) => println!("Has bool field: {}", v),
        None => println!("No bool field"),


async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    HttpServer::new(move || App::new().service(example))
        .bind(("", 8080))?