
Python code that generates poetry using found text

Primary LanguagePython


Python code that generates poetry using found text




-numpy version 1.7+



-Beautiful Soup



Basic Usage (making haiku and posting to twitter):

Note that this will not work unless you go into tools/twitter_tools.py 
and remove the encrpyted text and replace with own auth keys.
I'm working on a better means of dealing with this.
from tools import Article_Stuff
from tools import Twitter_Tools
from tools import Text_Generator
from tools import InOut
from tools import Haiku 

texter = Text_Generator(generate=False,text=None) #text = None means we use articles
word_list4 = texter.make_syll(python=False)
orderedpoem = Haiku(wordlist=word_list4).make_poem_ordered(diff_style=True)
twitter = Twitter_Tools()

Basic Usage (word probability stuff):

from sentenceprob import Sentence_Probability
filename = 'melville.txt'
tagged = Sentence_Probability(filename, max_line='max', 
	        write_to_file=False, load_tagged=False,load_tot_prob=False)
tagged.all_probs(up_to=10,write_to_file=True) #calculates total probabilities