
Easy WordPress Installer is a simple script that can help you install your self-hosted WordPress easily.

Primary LanguagePHP

EasyWP (WordPress Installer)


Easy WordPress Installer is a simple script that can help you install your self-hosted WordPress easily. Just upload it to your server, browse to it, and you're off.


  1. Using a SFTP/FTP program, create a directory on your webserver where you would like your WordPress site to be installed such as http://yoursite.com/blog or perhaps just http://yoursite.com/.
  2. Using a SFTP/FTP program, upload this script: easywp.php
  3. Using a web browser, go to the newly uploaded script, such as: http://yoursite.com/easywp.php
  4. Enter a valid username and password for your MySQL database.
  5. Select the hostname which most of the time is "localhost".
  6. Click "Check available databases" to see a list of databases in a pulldown menu.
  7. Either select an existing database or type in the name of a new database you want to create and click "Create Database".
  8. Finally click "Install WordPress". You will be redirected into the WordPress installer.


This script automatically creates complex, random 64-character secret keys for usage in the install so each WordPress install created with this script has this automatically.


  1. Web Hosting
  2. PHP
  3. MySQL


This is a fork from the EasyWP WordPress Installer found on: http://www.funscripts.net/php-scripts/

