
add an option to read ~/.ssh/config

ctf0 opened this issue · 10 comments

ctf0 commented

this is easier as the user can have memorable/editable config for the hosts he connects to.

~/.ssh/config is already parsed. Can you provide a snippet that you don't believe is being read?

ctf0 commented

the config file

Host *
    ServerAliveInterval 60
    ServerAliveCountMax 120

Host abc
  User forge

and here a ss after disabling both of the other host files
screen shot 2016-08-12 at 1 44 21 pm

~/.ssh/config currently isn't parsed. I need to alter the data model to support it, but it's definitely coming.

ctf0 commented

sweet 💯

Oops. Thought this was a ticket on my ssh workflow, which has always supported parsing all the obvious sources. Apologies for the noise.

:D I thought that might be what happened. I had to check if it was yours or mine.

@ctf0 unless you need the SFTP/ping feature of this workflow, you should look at @isometry's SSH workflow, as he says it supports ~/.ssh/config and it now works with Alfred 3, I think.

ctf0 commented

yeah i already went with it but it doesn't have the option to exclude the host files which create lots of noise for those who don't need it.

@ctf0 if you want to disable hosts in my workflow, simply comment out line 144 (fetch_hosts('/etc/hosts'),) in You can find it via Open in Finder from the Workflows listing.

ctf0 commented

@isometry thanx for the tip 👍

Added parsing of ~/.ssh/config in v0.5. Also now supports using mosh instead of ssh.