
Updated to newer gradle / SDK 21 - the demo app 2nd image wrapping above

RoundSparrow opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello. I updated everything to SDK 21. Sorry I stripped out some of the maven upload stuff in name of getting it to compile. There has been rework of the syntax/etc that I didn't have time to learn. Fork here:

The problem I see: your screen shot shows text above the right image, the second image. However, my build is not dong this - it is leaving the space above the right image as blank.

Any ideas on changes in the SDK or such that we might be able to adjust for? line 251 looks like trouble to me. Is there a stray plus sign on that line?

I came up with this:

public boolean useTopMarginWorkaround = true;

Additions / tweaking author: Stephen A. Gutknecht
private int findBoxesAndReturnLowestObstacleYCoord() {
    int lowestYCoord = 0;
    int childCount = this.getChildCount();
    LayoutParams layoutParams;
    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
        View child = getChildAt(i);
        if (child.getVisibility() != View.GONE) {
            layoutParams = (LayoutParams) child.getLayoutParams();
            Obstacle obstacle = new Obstacle();
            obstacle.topLeftx = child.getLeft() - layoutParams.leftMargin;

            if (useTopMarginWorkaround)
                obstacle.topLefty = child.getTop();
                obstacle.topLefty = child.getTop() - layoutParams.topMargin;

            obstacle.bottomRightx = obstacle.topLeftx + layoutParams.leftMargin + child.getWidth() + layoutParams.rightMargin;       // padding should probably be included as well
            if (useTopMarginWorkaround)
                obstacle.bottomRighty = child.getBottom();  // padding should probably be included as well
                obstacle.bottomRighty = obstacle.topLefty + layoutParams.topMargin + child.getHeight() + layoutParams.bottomMargin;  // padding should probably be included as well

            android.util.Log.d("FTV2", "Create Obstacle " + i + "/" + (childCount - 1) + " " + obstacle.toString() + " !! CT " + child.getTop() + " CTM " + layoutParams.topMargin);
            if (obstacle.bottomRighty > lowestYCoord) lowestYCoord = obstacle.bottomRighty;

    return lowestYCoord;

Can someone help confirm they see the difference if you flip useTopMarginWorkaround?