
"Got it" text is only shows at last in sequence mode,doesn't shows all time.OS: android P

Opened this issue · 1 comments

the library's dismiss text is not working in sequence mode.Only got it text poped up last time.

use simple one and make few nested chunk.

`new MaterialShowcaseView.Builder(MainActivity.this)
.setDismissText("Oh! I See")
.setContentText("Smash this button to see all the products of this shop.")
.setListener(new IShowcaseListener() {
public void onShowcaseDisplayed(MaterialShowcaseView showcaseView) {
// onShocaseDisplayed action code....

                public void onShowcaseDismissed(MaterialShowcaseView showcaseView) {
                    new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            new MaterialShowcaseView.Builder(MainActivity.this)
                                    .setDismissText("Oh! OK")
                                    .setContentText("You can cancel in the middle.")
                                    .setDelay(1000) // optional but starting animations immediately in onCreate can make them choppy
                                    .singleUse("Second") // provide a unique ID used to ensure it is only shown once
                    }, 600);