API for GUIs in Bukkit/Spigot

Primary LanguageJava


Create Bukkit GUIs super easily!


All you need to do is copy the files into your plugin. You do not need to copy Consumer.java if you are sure that the plugin will only be run on Java 8


GUIWindow gui = new GUIWindow(title, rows);
GUIItem guiItem = new GUIItem(itemToShow, whenClicked);

gui.setItem(x, y, guiItem);

The parameters for the constructors are


  • String title - The title of your GUI window
  • int rows - How many rows the GUI will have


  • ItemStack itemToShow - The item that a GUIItem will display as in the GUIWindow
  • Consumer<InventoryClickEvent> whenClicked - What action to perform when clicked

Example usage

Java 7

ItemStack redstone = new ItemStack(Material.REDSTONE);
GUIWindow gui = new GUIWindow("Get some redstone!", 3);
GUIItem guiItem = new GUIItem(redstone, new Consumer<>() {
  public void accept (InventoryClickEvent event){

gui.setItem(4, 1, guiItem);

Java 8 (Much Simpler)

ItemStack redstone = new ItemStack(Material.REDSTONE);
GUIWindow gui = new GUIWindow("Get some redstone!", 3);
GUIItem guiItem = new GUIItem(redstone, event -> event.getWhoClicked().getInventory().addItem(redstone));

gui.setItem(4, 1, guiItem);


  • There are also setOpenEvent() and setCloseEvent() methods!
  • in setItem (x, y, guiItem), x and y can also be replaced with a single int to place it in a raw position
  • a Consumer is basically just a Runnable that passes an argument into the run method
  • If you only need the GUI for a short period of time, use the unregister() method when you don't need it anymore