Module 3 Challenge for BootCamp: building your portfolio layout using the Bootstrap CSS Framework from scratch.
Using Bootstrap, recreate your portfolio site with the following items:
A navigation bar
A navigation menu at the top. Feel free to use Bootstrap's navbar or create your own.
Include links that are applicable to your portfolio.
Links should navigate to the appropriate sections
A hero section
- A jumbotron featuring your picture, your name, and any other information you'd like to include.
A work section
A section displaying your work in grid.
If you need to use placeholder image use placehold.coLinks to an external site.
Use Bootstrap cards for each project.
The description should give a brief overview of the work.
Each project will eventually link to your class project work!
A skills section
- List out the skills you expect to learn from the bootcamp.
An about/contact section
- An About Me section in the same row.
A footer section
All hyperlinks should have a hover effect.
All buttons should display a box shadow upon hover.
Your Bootstrap solution should minimize use of media queries.
Deploy your new Bootstrap-powered portfolio to GitHub Pages.
- Satisfies all of the above acceptance criteria.
Application deployed at live URL.
Application loads with no errors.
Application GitHub URL submitted.
GitHub repository contains application code.
- Application resembles the functionality of their previous portfolio.
Repository has a unique name.
Repository follows best practices for file structure and naming conventions.
Repository follows best practices for class/id naming conventions, indentation, quality comments, etc.
Repository contains multiple descriptive commit messages.
Repository contains quality readme with description, screenshot, link to deployed application.
- GitHub Repo:
- Deployed Github Page: