
Failed to execute 'shaderSource' on 'WebGLRenderingContext' in Chrome (V 96.0.4664.110), Safari (15.1 )

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have been facing this issue since few weeks and it is happening sometimes only when opening the dearflip view.


Logs from console
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'shaderSource' on 'WebGLRenderingContext': parameter 1 is not of type 'WebGLShader'.
at ee (three.min.js?ver=1.7.14:58)
at new af (three.min.js?ver=1.7.14:73)
at cf.acquireProgram (three.min.js?ver=1.7.14:83)
at v (three.min.js?ver=1.7.14:134)
at od.renderBufferDirect (three.min.js?ver=1.7.14:162)
at $d.render (three.min.js?ver=1.7.14:41)
at od.render (three.min.js?ver=1.7.14:169)
at n.Stage.render (mockup.min.js?ver=1.7.14:4)
at animate (mockup.min.js?ver=1.7.14:4)

Hi @krishnaperception ,

It might be a device or browser incompatibility.
Can you confirm the error's occurrence in other devices and mobiles?

Thanks for fast reply

Browser is compatible and issue is happening very random. Might be the first time loading data. Please check out below video