
Release 1.1.0

bollwyvl opened this issue · 0 comments

  • start a release issue with a checklist (maybe like this one)
  • merge all outstanding PRs
  • ensure the versions have been bumped (check with doit integrity)
  • ensure the CHANGELOG is up-to-date
    • move the new release to the top of the stack
  • validate on binder
  • validate on ReadTheDocs
  • wait for a successful build of master
  • download the dist archive and unpack somewhere (maybe a fresh dist)
  • create a new release through the GitHub UI
    • paste in the relevant CHANGELOG entries
    • upload the artifacts
  • actually upload to,
    cd dist
    twine upload jupyter_starters*
    npm login
    npm publish deathbeds-jupyterlab-starters-$VERSION.tgz
    npm publish deathbeds-jupyterlab-rjsf-$VERSION.tgz
    npm logout
  • postmortem
    • handle conda-forge feedstock tasks: conda-forge/jupyter-starters-feedstock#1
    • validate on binder via simplest-possible gists
    • activate the version on ReadTheDocs
    • bump to next development version
    • update release procedures