I was handed over 2 assignments out of which I chose the first one; Optimized Pixel Handler primarily because of the fact that it was kind of more challenging than the other one, especially where we needed to keep click impressions offline and then resync it back to the server when we come back online.

The Demo URL:

The Demo Short URL (for mobile devices):

Please visit the sites and check out the features. If you want you can install it on your desktop or even add it to your mobile home screen.

Whenever you try to +(CTA) and/or Add a recipe or even delete a recipe, the click events are registered and sent to the server. You can also see a copy of the same getting logged on the main page under Pixel Tracker.

Please feel free to download my codebase and fiddle around. Just go to the public folder and spin up a local dev server (preferably any server serving http viz. nodemon OR VS Code Live Reload)

To make things more interactive, I would request, if you want any further clarification of codebase, or things I have used, bug, optimization; let it be anything, kindly raise an issue or comment or maybe even a PR. I will be more than obliged to review and discuss further.