
Access to "Unit Identifier" byte in NMBS_TRANSPORT_TCP mode is impossible

arhiv6 opened this issue · 4 comments

I wanted to use the library for creation modbus TCP to RTU gateway. But in the library impossible get access to "Unit identifier" byte. In function recv_msg_header() I see reciveing this byte: nmbs->msg.unit_id (this string), but I can't access this field from outside the library.

I find only one variant: I can use sometsing like as

nmbs_set_platform_arg(&nmbs, (void *) &nmbs);

before calling nmbs_server_poll(&nmbs) and

nmbs_t *nmbs = (nmbs_t *) arg;
uint8_t unit_id = nmbs->msg.unit_id;

in my server request callbacks. But the documentation says:

All struct members are to be considered private, it is not advisable to read/write them directly.

It is only way?

This was a bit of an oversight, it doesn't make sense to not expose the RTU unit ID in server callbacks. Can you try this branch and check if it's enough?

Yes, that's enough.

Fixed in cbd4fa6