NMBS_ERROR_TRANSPORT after disconnect
JonasReich92 opened this issue · 4 comments
i am using STM32F407 with freeRTOS and LwIP.
I wanted to use ModbusTCP server, so I use the Linux Example (server-tcp.c).
I do only a few changes to use it as a Task.
* Create an ModbusTCP Task
void ModbusTCPTaskRun(void)
osThreadDef(ModbusTCPTask, StartModbusTCPTask, osPriorityHigh, 0, 1024);
ModbusTCPHandle = osThreadCreate(osThread(ModbusTCPTask), NULL);
and "int main" to StartModbusTCPTask
int StartModbusTCPTask(void)
char* address = "";
char* port = "502";
I can connect the Server with "ModbusPoll" and get the right Register Data (Dummy Data). I can connect the Server with a second instance of "ModbusPoll" and get the right Register Data, too. But when i make a disconnect, I cannot connect again. During the Debugging i can see that in the function read_fd_linux() the function disconnect(arg) is called. This looks ok. But there is no ping working and i cannot connect again. It looks there is a Problem with the Sockets.
Do you have this issue, too?
Or any Idea about that Problem?
Hi, yes the problem was definitely the server not being able to accept new connection after closing the first one. I fixed the linux TCP server example, can you try it and tell me if it fixed your problem?
Hi, thank you.
I solve the issue in the meantime with a few defines on my lwip stack:
#define LWIP_SO_RCVBUF 1
#define SO_REUSE 1
It looks like your changes make's it better.
But an other Problems occures in this context. How many connection can be established at the same time?
Because I can open two connections at the same time, the third one can be connected too but there is always a Read/Write Error on more than two connections.
I'm using modpoll to test the server (https://www.modbusdriver.com/modpoll.html). There should not be any limit on the number of connections now, in fact I tried to open about 6 connections, closing one, reopening another one and everything seems to work.
Maybe your problem lies within lwip? I used it in the past and I remember having some (understandable) limitations related to the memory usage/buffer sizes, including the maximum number of open connections, so maybe you can start investigating there?
Yes, i think this problem is on my side. Thank you.