
React Native app to manage infra structure requests

Primary LanguageTypeScript



💻 Project

HelpDesk is a real time application to manage infra structure requests.It was built using React Native, Expo (bare flow) and Firestore as backend. *** This project is based on a lecture (using Firebase as a backend) from Rocketseat, ministered by Rodrigo Gonçalves.

🛠️ Tools and Architecture

This project was developed using the following tools:

⚙️ How to run

git clone https://github.com/debfdias/HelpDesk
cd HelpDesk
yarn install
yarn android

** Create a Firebase project and place the google-services.json inside your android/app folder.

⚙️ Configure Firestore

Go to android folder, open build.gradle file and add:

apply plugin: "com.google.gms.google-services"

Now go to android/app folder, open again a build.gradle file and add after "dependencies":


Run the application in your simulator.

** Don't forget to install JDK.
** Add the JDK env in your system's path. Or create a local.properties file inside android the folder and write your sdk path:

sdk.dir = /Users/YOUR_USER/Library/Android/sdk

📝 License

Under MIT license.