
Update to use the latest Istio Operator from Maistra

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  1. Cleanup if needed (careful, deleting projects...)
    oc delete crd
    oc delete project istio-operator
    oc delete project istio-system

  2. Create projects
    oc new-project istio-operator
    oc new-project istio-system

  3. Add Istio CRDs
    git clone
    cd istio-operator
    oc apply -n istio-operator -f ./deploy/
    oc apply -n istio-system -f ./deploy/examples/istio_v1alpha3_controlplane_cr_basic.yaml

NOTE: default kiali login is admin/admin (see istio/

thanks for info. i will update my notes.!

oc apply -n istio-operator -f ./deploy/
serviceaccount "istio-operator" created
unable to decode "deploy/operator.yaml": no kind "CustomResourceDefinition" is registered for version ""
unable to decode "deploy/operator.yaml": no kind "CustomResourceDefinition" is registered for version ""
unable to decode "deploy/operator.yaml": no kind "ClusterRole" is registered for version ""
unable to decode "deploy/operator.yaml": no kind "ClusterRoleBinding" is registered for version ""
unable to decode "deploy/operator.yaml": no kind "Deployment" is registered for version "apps/v1"