
Use the Evernote API to perform text recognition (OCR) on an image file.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Evernote OCR

Latest Stable Version Build Status Coverage Status

This is an unofficial library for using the Evernote API as a means for image text recognition. Please be advised that using the Evernote API solely for the purpose of OCR for your application is a violation of the API License Agreement.


Install this package through Composer by editing your project's composer.json file to require estey/evernote-ocr.

    "require": {
        "estey/evernote-ocr": "0.2.*"

Then, update Composer:

composer update

To get a new Evernote Dev Token, sign in to your account and use this link: https://www.evernote.com/api/DeveloperToken.action


use Estey\EvernoteOCR\Client;

$client = new Client('YOUR DEV TOKEN');
$response = $client->recognize('path/to/image.jpg');


The recognize method will return an array of TextBlock objects, each with an array of text recognition options. Each Text object contains the recognized text and a confidence score of 0-100. Each TextBlock contains the X and Y coordinates where the text was found and the width and height of the text block in pixels.

    [0] => Estey\EvernoteOCR\TextBlock Object
            [x] => 51
            [y] => 82
            [width] => 307
            [height] => 35
            [options] => Array
                    [0] => Estey\EvernoteOCR\Text Object
                            [text] => SEPTEMBER
                            [confidence] => 91



    [1] => Estey\EvernoteOCR\TextBlock Object
            [x] => 370
            [y] => 87
            [width] => 128
            [height] => 30
            [options] => Array
                    [0] => Estey\EvernoteOCR\Text Object
                            [text] => 2014
                            [confidence] => 77

                    [1] => Estey\EvernoteOCR\Text Object
                            [text] => 201 a
                            [confidence] => 35




Laravel Filesystem Adapter

If you're using Laravel, there is a service provider available. Open app/config/app.php, and add the service provider to the providers array. You'll also need to add your Evernote Dev Token to your .env file with the key set to EVERNOTE_DEV_TOKEN.


Use it like so:

$client = App::make('evernote_ocr', ['path/to/image.jpg']);
$response = $client->recognize();


Flysystem Adapter

The Evernote OCR package comes with a built in adapter to support the Flysystem filesystem library.

use Estey\EvernoteOCR\Client;
use Estey\EvernoteOCR\FileAdapters\FlysystemFileAdapter;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local as Adapter;

$filesystem = new Filesystem(
    new Adapter(__DIR__ . '/path/to/root/')

$client = new Client('YOUR DEV TOKEN');
$file = new FlysystemFileAdapter('path/to/image.jpg', $filesystem);
$response = $client->recognize($file);



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.