
Drawer support for mini variant

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I wonder if it could be possible to extend the drawer functionality by 1 or 2 modes of operation.

The first thing would be what is called a "persistent" drawer compared to the "permantent drawer" that is called "fixedDrawer" in elm-mdl and elm-mdc.
The definition can be found in the material ui guideless for drawer navigations

The second question would be a variant that is called "Mini variant" in the same specification.

However I am aware that this project is early on and the migration from mdl to mdc is still work in progress, but I thought maybe it is good to know this need already. In my current app, as well as in the specification is desktop and especially tablet devices which can have a persistent drawer, but users should be able to minimise it still (ideally to the mini variant as well).

An according issue has been added as an issue on elm-mdc
