
sorry, debops.ferm was not found on

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Readme states ansible-galaxy install debops.ferm as a way to install the role.

However, when executing it using ansible 2.6.17 (same with 2.7), i get the following error message:

▶ ansible-galaxy install debops.ferm
- downloading role 'ferm', owned by debops
 [WARNING]: - debops.ferm was NOT installed successfully: - sorry, debops.ferm was not found on

Is the installation method mentioned in readme still available? If not, what's an alterantive?

The various DebOps roles have been merged into the DebOps monorepo and are available on Ansible Galaxy as a collection, however roles with dependencies might not work as expected due to issues with Galaxy not supporting the correct syntax (debops.ferm should work though). Read this FAQ entry for more details.