New hook format proposal
patrickheeney opened this issue · 2 comments
This is a proposal to alter the pre_tasks and post_tasks with using functionality native to ansible. I tested a dozen different methods and this seems to be the best option. The goal is to remove the dependency on task_src
so it is must easier to use from galaxy while still preserving the functionality.
- name: "Test"
hosts: local
sudo: False
remote_user: vagrant
debops_pre_tasks_users: 'hook.yml'
- { role: test, tags: [test] }
- debug: var=debops_pre_tasks_users
File: test/hook.yml
- debug: msg="Hook Fired"
File: test/main.yml
- set_fact:
debops_pre_tasks_users_fact: 'hook.yml'
debops_fire_hooks: True
# - debug: msg="Firing test 0"
# - name: DebOps pre_tasks hook
# include: "{{ lookup('task_src', 'users/pre_main.yml') }}"
# ERROR: Failed to template {{ lookup('task_src', 'users/pre_main.yml') }}: lookup plugin (task_src) not found
# - debug: msg="Firing test 1"
# - include: '{{ debops_pre_tasks_users_fact }}'
# when: debops_pre_tasks_users_fact is defined
# ERROR: file could not read: /Users/patrickheeney/Dev/infrastructure/playbooks/roles/test/tasks/{{ debops_pre_tasks_users_fact }}
# - debug: msg="Firing test 2"
# - include: '{{ lookup("file", debops_pre_tasks_users_fact) }}'
# when: debops_pre_tasks_users_fact is defined
# ERROR: file could not read: /Users/patrickheeney/Dev/infrastructure/playbooks/roles/test/tasks/{{ lookup("file", debops_pre_tasks_users_fact) }}
- debug: msg="Firing test 3"
- include: hook.yml
when: debops_fire_hooks is defined and debops_fire_hooks
- debug: msg="Firing test 4"
- include: "{{ debops_pre_tasks_users_fact | default('empty.yml') }}"
- debug: msg="Firing test 5"
- include: "{{ debops_pre_tasks_users_doesnt_exist | default('empty.yml') }}"
- debug: msg="Firing test 6"
- include: "{{ debops_pre_tasks_users | default('empty.yml') }}"
- debug: msg="Firing test 7"
- include: "{{ debops_pre_tasks_users }}"
when: debops_pre_tasks_users is defined
File: test/empty.yml
- debug: msg="Empty"
This successfully fires test 5, 6, 7. Test 4 doesn't work when using facts. I also explored using symlinks and file
module to check if it exists before including, but this approach is much better. Test 7 looks to be the most ideal, however it fails when debops_pre_tasks_users
is not defined anywhere. Test 6 seems to work in all scenarios I tested, which is similar to other popular playbooks that utilize hooks.
This same principle could be applied for template_src
to be something like:
# template:
# src: '{{ lookup("template_src", "etc/ssh/authorized_keys_lookup.d/" + item + ".j2") }}'
# dest: '/etc/ssh/authorized_keys_lookup.d/{{ item }}'
src: '{{ debops_template_src_authorized_lookup_folder | default("etc/ssh/authorized_keys_lookup.d/") + item + ".j2" }}'
dest: '/etc/ssh/authorized_keys_lookup.d/{{ item }}'
I tested this with:
- debug: msg="Firing test 8"
- debug: msg="{{ debops_template_src_authorized_lookup_folder | default("etc/ssh/authorized_keys_lookup.d/") + item + ".j2" }}"
- "test"
There are other popular roles using this format like . I only tested setting vars within the playbook. There may be other ways to set the variable to have it recognized by the time it is included.
I don't think ansible 2.0 will solve this with the block
module as the playbook searches for the lookups and it won't be found. If include + with_items or with_first_found starts working again, then it will be another way to expand upon this syntax.
If this proposal is accepted, I can help submit pull requests to individual repositories. Debops would likely need to create a naming structure to be consistent with hook variables and template variables.
I'm writing a longer response later, for now put this code in a git repository in a format that is used by Ansible roles, so it can be tested.
I have put together a sample playbook for testing native ansible hooks here: .
I currently have no need for these native hooks any longer since I created a few lookup modules to remove the debops dependency. These lookup modules can be found here: which emulate the debops lookups but do not search any custom paths.