
Proposed role: debops.hhvm

jbackman opened this issue · 4 comments

HHVM, or the HipHop Virtual Machine, is a virtual machine for PHP developed by Facebook to improve the performance of PHP applications. Unlike the regular PHP runtime, HHVM uses a just-in-time compiler to convert scripts into native machine code. As a result, third-party benchmarks have shown as much as a 3x load time reduction over PHP-FPM 5.4 for tasks like loading a regular Drupal website.
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Gomez commented

AFAIK PHP7 will improve the performance a lot. Maybe its easier to focus on PHP7?

The good news is, hhvm package is available in Sid. The bad news is, it seems to have many bugs and has not yet entered into Testing. I imagine it will be a while when it is available in jessie-backports, if ever due to all the transitions in Stretch.

Of course there's also upstream .deb repository with releases for Wheezy and Jessie, so we could go that route, however I would prefer to use Debian version as soon as it's available.

The other matter is support in different DebOps roles that rely on php5-fpm. However, since I'm warming up to the idea of dropping role dependencies from roles and moving them to playbooks, it would be easier to do after that. But transition will take a while (busy month at work ahead), so please be patient. :-)

ypid commented

@carlalexander already wrote a role which uses upstream packages.

For the inpatient once, you can go with this for now 😄

ypid commented

Can be closed in favor to PHP7.