Record a video
makutamatey opened this issue · 1 comments
Please I have been trying to understand debops for some weeks now, but it is kind of difficult wrapping my head around it and unfortunately, there isn't enough resource online. Kindly record a video to demonstrate an example to us. I have been seeing references to common.yml, but I can't find it in my project yet. Where is it? Thank you
I suppose that there would have to be a whole series of videos then, depending on what you already know about Ansible, Debian, server management, etc. I might look into it, but that won't be out for a while.
For now, did you see the Getting Started Guide in the DebOps documentation? It might make some things clearer. Also keep in mind, that over the years DebOps was transformed a few times and is now developed in the debops/debops
If you want, we can set up a video conference, for example on Jitsi, and we can talk abou it a bit. That might be a faster way to explain the project for me. Let me know what you prefer.